
  1. 服務對象:本校編制內的教職員生。
  2. 服務範圍:文獻複印紙本、書籍借閱。
  3. 申請流程:提出申請單→Email收到取件通知→繳費(第一醫學大樓二樓繳費機或圖書館一樓櫃台line pay)→憑繳款單至圖書館一樓櫃台取件。
  4. 費用
  5. 取得時間
  6. 操作手冊

Interlibrary Loan

  1. Eligible users: CGU full-time teachers, students and staff
  2. Service: article/book request and deliver
  3. Application procedure: apply→receive a mail notice then pay→take your receipt to the Library
  4. Charges:
      (1)RapidILL service this year is free of charge.
      (2)NDDS service subsidy is NTD$500 per teacher and NTD$230 per graduate student this year.
  5. Turnaround Time:
      (1)RapidILL takes about 2-3 days.
      (2)NDDS for domestic library takes about 5-7 working days.
      (3)NDDS for foreign library takes about 14-21 working days.
  6. User Manual

圖書館最新消息 More

【行政服務】配合校方進行中央空調冷卻水塔保養工程作業,圖書館(含B1閱覽中心)於2/9(日)7:00-22:00將暫停供應空調。 The air conditioning supply of library (including B1 Study Area) will be suspended on Feb. 9 (Sun.) from 07:00am to 10:00pm .
【電子資源】歡迎參加「113學年第二學期資料庫講習」,掌握電子資源,瞭解操作技巧! Welcome to database instruction courses for the Spring Semester of 2025. Better grasp e-resources and operate fluently!
【行政服務】113學年度第2學期課程指定用書調查作業 Course reserves and references survey for the coming semester
【行政服務】寒假期間圖書館地毯清潔排程。 Carpet cleaning schedule during winter vacation.
【行政服務】1/16(四)至2/14(五)進行圖書館空調設備保養與清洗作業。 The library will maintain and clean air conditioners from January 16th to February 14th.